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A message to the dreamers & visionaries in hiding...

More and more people every single day are choosing to eliminate the stigmas and stereotypes in regards to businesses in networking and are deciding that trading dollars for hours in a J-O-B isn’t all its cracked up to be. The times have changed and are steadily changing even more until one day, in my opinion, millions more people will be choosing entrepreneurship over the traditional workforce.

I would really hate for you to get left behind. Yes, YOU. The mama reading this who cries, and yearns for something more, every single time you have to leave your child at daycare. The nurse who’s working over time, paying just as much in taxes as you’re bringing home, and has nothing left over for your family. The dad who’s wishing you could coach your son’s little league...

Now, maybe you DO have the time freedom with your current place of employment, but it is still employer, ultimately controlling your income, level of creativity, and future freedom. What if you were made for creating something amazing, living out your purpose through an online business that allowed you to work from anywhere and dream again, or simply NOT do the same thing day in and day out?

Steve Jobs summed this idea up best when he said, “When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is ... Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it … Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again.” #truthbomb

I thought leaving my nursing job just to be present was my top priority. Little did I know that the increased stream of income, and insane level of flexibility, would be my absolute fave perk of this newfound entrepreneur life almost three years ago. Not to mention, crazy levels of fulfillment. People used to ask me if I missed nursing? It was always a hard, “No.” Still is. Always will be.

Why? Because in 12 years of nursing, I was tied to a time clock, capped on my income, and missed almost every school function my girls had. I never got to go to the Valentine’s parties or have lunch with them. The last several years, I didn’t even see them for the first two hours they were out of school and many years, when I worked 12 hour shifts, I barely slid in the door before they were in bed, if I made it at all. The time we did have was slim and rushed. The weekends flew by and there was Monday again, back to the same old thing.

So, as you read this, you may be realizing that you have been missing out on some time with the people you love most, maybe you WOULD actually like to make an additional $500 per month to put in the savings account you currently don’t have anything in, or maybe you’re inability to create memories with your family is starting to wear on you because you’re lacking in the time and finances to see them through.

Whatever your heart’s desire is, what effect would being curious and open minded have on you? I know you’ve seen MY posts, or someone else’s, and wondered or the thought has at least crossed your mind. Why wouldn’t it? We all see things that make us think, “I would like to do/have/feel that one day, too.” Those are called VISIONS and we don’t just get them randomly. They are God winks saying to get out of our comfort zone and impact others!

Mark Twain explained the lure of entrepreneurship best when he wrote, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” 

I’ll leave you with that...


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